Contact us
Feel free to contact us with any questions. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.
behind the Methodist Chapel
The Goodwin Hall, New Street, Fressingfield
Suffolk IP21 5PG
Opening hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10-12
Fibre Friday (dust free working day) 10-12
or by appointment
Subscribe to our e-newsletter sent out a few times a year (members are opt-in subscribed when they join)
Registered Charity: 1203217 Incorporated 23 May 2023
opening hours
Tuesdays 10 - 12 workshop & garden
Thursdays 10 - 12 workshop & garden
Fridays 10-12 for fibre work (dust free day) & garden
or by appointment
New Street, Fressingfield, Suffolk IP21 5PG
(behind the Methodist Chapel parking lot)
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