The Fressingfield Shed needs your support.
This is an exciting and vital time to get involved as a donor as we are in the process of getting set up, so require sponsorship and donations to support our 2024 capital campaign and annual running costs. A kick-starter fund is needed to help us source equipment and materials, stabilise and set up the physical site, and get our programming established. Contact us today to find out you or your organisation can support us.
Why Support Us?
Rural communities across the UK are increasingly aware of the risks of social isolation on mental wellbeing. Community workshops like the Fressingfield Shed are a positive response to the question of "what can we do" to address loneliness and isolation in our fragmented society, an issue that was further stressed during COVID when the anxiety of social isolation reached a peak with a resulting epidemic of mental health issues across the UK population. The health services are under increasing pressure and are aware of the need for social prescribing to combat anxiety and the risk of suicide which is especially high in the adult male population - the advice is to get out, meet new people, contribute to community activities and learn new skills. Addressing these mental wellbeing issues is one of the primary drivers of why we set up the Shed.
The sustainability ethos of the Shed involves repurposing, repairing and gardening to promote environmental awareness and help each member and our local community to reduce carbon footprint. Donors who are interested in combatting the climate emergency and finding ways to support local communities to become educated around these issues while taking positive social action can find a partner in the Fressingfield Shed.
Combined with our social purpose and focus on wellbeing, the Shed aims to have a positive social and environmental impact in our community by creating a space that is truly inclusive and open to all without exclusion based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or religious belief.
Thank you to our current donors who are making a real community impact through support of our shed
Dust extractor - essential for machine working thanks to Suffolk County Council
Assistance toward our building rent - generously donated by the Fressingfield Parish Council
Set up costs for building & machinery many thanks to Babergh and Mid Suffolk Council locality fund for £1,000 and a special call out to Lavinia Haddingham for her support
To build a covered veranda for outside working - a big thank you to the Adnams Brewery Community Trust
Thank you to all our supporters who have purchased memberships, made donations, gifted second hand tools, and the given us the support of the amazing second hand greenhouse for the garden.
To build our garden raised beds for planting - thanks for a kind donation of 20 scaffolding boards from TC Garrett Roofing & Scaffolding a big thanks to Drew Whiteley and the team!
To realise our project of getting the shed workshop and garden up and running with an outdoor work area and inside improvements a huge thank you to the National Lottery Community Fund
A great load of wood donated by Lings for use in our workshop. Thank you Lings!
thanks to our fabric donors
We believe in supporting the circular economy and using fabric that would otherwise go into landfill.
A big shout out and thank you to our fabric donors who have started suppling us with remainder fabric that can be used to sew up members projects, upholstery, cushions, and other crafts - and also help us with fundraising workshops

Kvadrat UK Showroom

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”
- Clarice Turner

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”
- Brian Moten

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”
- Joyce Gould

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”
- Sharon Roddy
add in real testimonals here, and list current donors
2024 - here's how to get involved as a donor
garden set up
£1000 needed for planting and site build
£3000 needed for tool purchase
donations of tools, supplies, fabric, wood and other materials mean we can repurpose and reuse for projects. Contact us today to discuss any in kind donations you might have
in kind donations
Joining as a member helps us to increase our community impact and raise vital funds as well!

Subscribe to our e-newsletter sent out a few times a year (members are opt-in subscribed when they join)
Registered Charity: 1203217 Incorporated 23 May 2023
opening hours
Tuesdays 10 - 12 workshop & garden
Thursdays 10 - 12 workshop & garden
Thursdays 2-4pm On the first Thurs of the month for fibre work (dust free day)
Printmaking on the third Thursday evening monthly at 7-9pm
Friday morning workshop drop in
or by appointment
New Street, Fressingfield, Suffolk IP21 5PG
(behind the Methodist Chapel parking lot)
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