Sew Social

Fibre Drop in on the first Monday evening each Month

We have a growing group of members interested in fibre art and textiles. That includes anything from sewing, stitching, repairing, printing, upholstery, rag rug making and beyond

Sew Social drop in session on the last Monday of the month from 7-9pm. We have a drop in session where members can bring in textile work to share their work , get inspiration, work on their projects and share skills

if you want to drop by please drop us a message through the contact form to join our whatsapp group to check opening times and activities


We run workshops every other month to try new techniques and share knowledge about textile work. See the booking page for more information

Great news - our industrial sewing machine is set up and running!

Fabric Re-use Hub

...we are getting donations of beautiful fabrics that members can reuse for their projects