Many thanks to The Fressingfield Parish Council for Supporting Our Community Shed
8/28/20242 min read
A Heartfelt Thank You to Fressingfield Parish Council
We are delighted to extend our deepest thanks to the Fressingfield Parish Council for their grant towards our rent for this year. This financial support comes at a crucial time as we continue to set up the shed building and project, and will significantly aid us in maintaining the operations of our much loved community shed.
Empowering the Community Through Continued Support
The Fressingfield Shed has had a busy year getting set up - providing a space where residents can come together, share skills, and foster a sense of unity. The grant from the Fressingfield Parish Council toward our rent will ensure that we can continue offering these invaluable services. This assistance is not merely financial; it is a reinforcement of the council's commitment to fostering a vibrant and cohesive community. This year we have hosted model making and machine repair, apple-tree grafting, willow weaving, rug-making, regular wood working drop in days, and sewing days. We've painted the signs for the charity dog walk, put up the new dog waste bins around the village and hosted an open day for the community. Not to mention hosting & making uncountable cups of coffee!
What the Grant Means for Us
The allocation of funds towards our rent alleviates a significant burden, allowing us to focus more on enhancing the shed’s activities and programs. It enables us to plan more workshops, events, and gatherings, ensuring that the shed remains a bustling hub of creativity and collaboration. The grant is a testament to the council's recognition of our efforts and their trust in our mission to serve the community.
Looking Forward to The Future
With the support of the Fressingfield Parish Council, we are excited to look towards the future with optimism. We envision expanding our initiatives, involving more residents, and making our community shed an even more integral part of daily life. This grant empowers us to continue building on our past achievements and strive for greater communal harmony and development.
Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the Fressingfield Parish Council. Your support encourages us to keep striving for the betterment of our community.
Subscribe to our e-newsletter sent out a few times a year (members are opt-in subscribed when they join)
Registered Charity: 1203217 Incorporated 23 May 2023
opening hours
Tuesdays 10 - 12 workshop & garden
Thursdays 10 - 12 workshop & garden
Sewing on the last Monday of the month 7pm-9pm
Printmaking on the third Thursday evening monthly at 7-9pm
Friday morning workshop drop in
or by appointment
New Street, Fressingfield, Suffolk IP21 5PG
(behind the Methodist Chapel parking lot)
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