We are a community workshop in Fressingfield, dedicated to woodworking, modelling, gardening, crafts, fibre work, and repairing. Our mission is to encourage skill-building, well-being, and community through traditional crafts & making activities, while also promoting environmental sustainability through reuse, repairing, and gardening.


Discover a wide range of projects created by our talented members. From woodworking to gardening, there's something for everyone. Get inspired and join us in creating beautiful and functional objects.


We believe in the power of community. Join us in collaborative projects that make a difference in our village. From community gardening to repair cafes and making projects, together we can create a vibrant and sustainable community.

white and black ceramic cup filled with brown liquid on brown wooden sufface
white and black ceramic cup filled with brown liquid on brown wooden sufface

Learn & share new skills

Share your knowledge and also learn from others while working on projects in the community workshop. For those who want to really focus on skill building you can join in classes to learn new skills and meet people. Shed members get a discount on all courses.